How to Remove Raccoons:
What is the Best Raccoon Bait?

Your local Animal Control &
Wildlife Removal Company

Raccoon Diets

Hi my name is Brenden Mangnitz and I am the owner of 24/7 Wildlife Control. I have been in business on my own for nearly five years and I have been in this industry for close to 10 years working with friends, family and other companies; while learning, training and understanding the wildlife removal & nuisance animal control industry. I started by graduating from the University of South Florida with my Business Management degree. After this degree, I got into the field of wildlife control because I knew there was a big issue with raccoons getting into people's homes and I realized that there were not many professional raccoon removal companies. I wanted to be one of the most professional and honest raccoon removal/ raccoon trapping companies out there and I knew that there is a big need to hire professional raccoon removal companies. You want to always hire a professional raccoon removal/ raccoon trapper that is properly licensed, insured, bonded, has workers comp, and additionally you want to hire raccoon removal companies and raccoon trappers that show up in uniforms, have wonderful customer service, have clean trucks and respect both you and the animals like the raccoons being trapped. We treat our animals in a humane way.

hear raccoons in your attic

Often I get asked “What do raccoons eat? What is a good raccoon trap? What's the best bait to use to catch a raccoon?” What Attracts Raccoons? My answer is pretty simple: what do you have around your house? Raccoons have learned how to adapt to urban environments; this simply means that they no longer need to scavenge in the woods or dig up your lawn in order to find grubs. It also means that raccoons have learned what they can eat around urban areas like cities and suburbs.

What do raccoons eat?
Raccoons eat trash
Raccoons eat garbage
Raccoons eat cat food
Raccoons eat dog food

what do raccoon babies look like

Raccoons can eat just about anything. Their digestive systems have learned how to adapt given their changes in diet and changes in environment. If the raccoon is used to eating the trash out of your garbage, go ahead and take your raccoon trap and use the garbage as raccoon bait. In the back of the trap, load the trap with garbage, set the trap near your garbage cans and chances are the next morning when you wake up you will have a raccoon in that trap. If the garbage in the trap didn't do the trick, the best raccoon bait to try would be cat food. Cat food is great raccoon bait to use when trapping raccoons in your home and on your property. Every now and then you might capture a cat with cat food, however.

If you do, simply open the trap and let the cat out and reset the trap using fresh raccoon bait, I personally love using oatmeal cream cookies as raccoon bait; they are one of the best raccoon baits because they're made with marshmallows and sugar. Raccoons have a sweet tooth; which means raccoons like sweet baked oatmeal cream pies. Another bait that works very well is marshmallows. Take a handful of marshmallows and lightly sprinkle them around the trap, in the trap and put a lot of marshmallows in the back of the raccoon trap. The marshmallows will be a great raccoon lure!

Ultimately, if you want to get rid of raccoons you need to start raccoon trapping. That is the first step and best way to catch the raccoons. In order to do trapping you need to know what raccoons eat. If you can figure out what your raccoon is eating, you can then place that bait in the back of the trap and you will be able to get rid of the raccoons!.

raccoon poop cleanup

Raccoon habitats have changed largely over the past 25 years with growing population, construction and new development, the raccoon habitat is no longer the woods, in the wilderness or in the forests. Make sure you adapt your trapping methods to New Age Raccoon Removal tips in order to use the right raccoon bait to capture that nuisance animal. If you have any questions my name is Brendan Mangnitz at Give me a call if you would like me to help you trap that pesky raccoon!